
Welcome to a day in the life of a business manager… a profession where every moment offers you a new challenge and an opportunity to thrive.
Of course, in the fast-paced world of business, a day in the life of a business manager often involves juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. However, if you naturally gravitate toward leadership and can make sensible, informed decisions when tricky situations arise… then business management could be your platform to shine.
Every day as a business manager, you might only be a phone call away from having to alter your approach in a profit-making opportunity. That’s why successful captains of industry possess a range of business management skills and attributes, which include:

  • Project management and organization
  • Strategic planning and decision making
  • Financial management and budgeting
  • Marketing and sales negotiation skills
  • Team management and communication skills

Sounds interesting, right? But what exactly does a day in the life of a business manager involve? Well, keep reading as we explore a typical daily routine in a business administration work environment.

How a Business Manager Starts Their Day…

From the moment a business manager steps into their office, the day is already in full swing. But first, you’ll want to respond to important emails and phone messages requiring immediate attention.
A quick email here and a phone call there; next on the agenda is to coordinate with your office manager and hold a morning meeting for all team members. These morning huddles provide a great opportunity to strategize and prioritize your teams’ objectives and targets for the day.
Amidst this initial flurry of activity, a day in the life of a business manager can truly begin…

A Proactive Morning…

There is never a dull moment in a day in the life of a business manager, and your morning is often used to respond to any emerging overnight trends or challenges. This might result in holding performance reviews with the sales team or resolving a customer service complaint that may have come in.
Next up in the morning routine, a business manager will usually start to address some of their administrative duties. In a day in the life of a business manager, these organizational elements might include:

  • Analyzing and reviewing sales data metrics
  • Approving business expense reports
  • Signing off on company invoices
  • Reviewing supplier contracts

Once you’ve completed some of these administrative tasks, you might next sit down with the Human Resources team. Pivotal to any successful business is the effective hiring, training, and management of all your valued staff members.
As the boss, having your finger on the pulse during the hiring process is essential. As a result, a portion of your morning will utilize your excellent communication skills to create attractive job descriptions or conduct candidate interviews.
After a busy morning, it’s time for lunch…

An Afternoon of Meetings…

Following a delicious lunch, many business managers dedicate their afternoons to financial duties. Running a successful firm includes staying on top of financial accounting. So, a day in the life of a business manager might see your afternoon start with a quick get-together with the office accounting assistant or bookkeeper.
The afternoon is also an excellent opportunity to conduct important meetings. These meetings provide a perfect opportunity for a business manager to demonstrate their communication and negotiation skills by hosting meetings with: 

  • Customers and clients
  • Vendors and suppliers
  • High-level management department heads
  • Company stakeholders

Using the afternoon constructively allows you to better understand how the company performs across the board. However, a day in the life of a business manager doesn’t end there, as you might call for an end-of-day meeting with other team members to assess the day’s performance.
Finally, as part of your end-of-the-day administrative duties, you’ll prepare tomorrow’s schedule and create a strategy for any upcoming projects before you turn off the lights.

What a Business Managers Week Looks Like…

A day in the life of a business manager can see you tackling a host of tasks and responsibilities, from business management to critical administrative and financial duties. There is never a dull moment working in a business administration work environment which is why the role is so appealing.
While working conditions may vary depending on the industry sector. Typically, most business managers are required to work a standard 40 hours per week. However, it’s important to note that a day in the life of a business manager may also include working some evenings and weekends during busier periods.

Study To Become a Business Leader of Tomorrow With National Career College!

If a day in the life of a business manager stimulates you to want to study business management… then get ready to start an exciting and rewarding career ahead. Here at National Career College, our business management and accounting program in Los Angeles has been designed to help you achieve your goals.
Graduating with an Associates of Applied Science Degree in accounting and business management can elevate the skills required to succeed as a business leader. Learn how to succeed with NCC's expert team of industry experts and professionals, including:

  • Corporate administrative and financial duties – including bookkeeping and accounting
  • Customer service communication skills
  • Team management and leadership
  • Organization and time management
  • Key vendor, client, and business negotiation skills

 During a day in the life of a business manager, the possibilities are endless, and the opportunities for growth and development are vast.

 Kickstart your journey into business management with National Career College today!